

Man with arthritis
Athletic Therapy
AATA Staff

Treatments for the aging arthritic

What happens when the body of our patient is working against them and in turn us? With aging comes many physical challenges, whether it is the body slowly breaking down, or disease that attacks the body causing increased degeneration. Arthritis is one such challenge of aging and can make exercise a daunting task. The two

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Athletic Therapy
AATA Staff

Athletic Therapists care about your neck!

Are you ever watching a sporting event and wondered why sometimes athletes walk away from a hit while others are transported under full spinal protocol? Well, Certified Athletic Therapists are making those important decisions every day in Alberta – that’s why we are experts at on-field assessment and emergency care! We also have a little

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Athletic Therapy
AATA Staff

Can you be an Athletic Therapist and a parent too?

I became an Athletic Therapist in 2003, I had my first child in 2015. That’s 12 years of building and loving my professional life before I became a mom. Leaving my athletic therapy life behind was not something I wanted to do. So how to do it all…. There’s one easy answer to how you

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AATA Staff

Can an Athletic Therapist treat old and neglected injuries?

It is a classic tale for most. The few unaddressed knocks in the former University football player, the sprained ankle from pickup basketball game with coworkers, the back pain that started on the family trip from the long hike and the poor mattress. These injuries that we pushed through until “they resolved on their own”

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Athletic Therapy
AATA Staff

Self-care: The secret to a success mindset

June is National Athletic Therapy Month so we are dedicating this blog to all of the amazing Alberta Athletic Therapists who work hard everyday for their clients and athletes. Remember, in order to take care of others you have to take care of yourself first. Many (many) years ago when I was in Grade 11,

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